Thursday, December 6, 2012

WorkingDan is going down!

Some of you might have noticed that I created a blog to help advertise my business. If you haven't noticed then you need to check it out! It wont be hard to's the only other post I have written. Anyway....I woke up the other day and said fuck it! I advertise enough on Facebook and though texts and blah blah blah so I decided I'm not going to bore you guys with that shit....I'm gonna give you guys what you want.....A PIECE OF ASS!

Okay I'm lying...that would be cheating and it would be kinda dickish on your part since you met W.D. before me!

I have decided I am tired of being a "guest" on WD's blog. That's bullshit! I am his fucking wife and yet I can only have "guest" appearances and they have to be reviewed by him before I publish??? Fuck that! That little man doesn't control me!!

So anyway....If you havent figured it out got me all to yourself whenever you want! That's right! No having to wait for W.D. to have a writers block to let me in!

 And now for the post you have all been waiting for...................

hang on I have to smoke and think about it......

Still thinking......

Or maybe I'm just constipated?

Okay I'm exhausted about I just leave this with an open question...or two...

What kind of story should I write for you? What do you want to know about me? 


  1. I'm amazed at how much that pic of the lady smoking looks like you! Such eerie similarities!

  2. I really don't know much about you to be honest. You could write anything from your tastes in music, film, books to stories about where you grew up. What kind of things have you experienced in life? Your highest points, your lowest points?

    You're married to Dan so you have to be interesting and tolerant and well, a Saint.

  3. Damn right you should have your own blog. Whenever I'm stuck for something to write about, I go with a super embarrassing story about me. Once you get it out there, you own it and it becomes a bit less embarrassing.

  4. I was hoping you would take this opportunity to use the blog to write more as well advertise. W00t! W00t! Go You!

    Let's see...what would I like to read? What inspires you? Who inspires you? Do you have any fears? Why do you fear it/them? Do you have any hobbies? What about your favorite quote?

    That's what I have off the top of my head...

  5. I like Pickleope's idea! It's always fun to others.

  6. Cool. Another rant blog to subscribe and follow.

  7. I want to know your innermost thoughts on the nation's economic and sociopolitical struggles.

    Just kidding. How about some fart jokes?
